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In Enhancing Human-Agent Teaming by ieeebrain3 Comments

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    1. Thanks Joann! Do you have specific recommendations in mind? Would love to hear more of your thoughts, as an expert in teaming.

  1. The preferred medium of communication in human-agent teams should be natural language (NL). Also, agents should be able to learn through dialog with the human members of their teams. A prerequisite is that the agents possess a model of their world (including tasks, team organization and roles of each team member) that supports learning and autonomous decision making. Much, if not all of the above cannot be addressed through machine learning alone: a) an instance of learning cannot rely on extensive training data; b) in decision-making, having humans use commands formulated in a highly stylized sublanguage that would enable direct triggering of particular operations by the agent is impractical; same applies to communication in an artificial language.

    Work on developing language-endowed intelligent agents that are members of human-agent teams is ongoing. I’d be glad to discuss this further if there is interest.

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