The analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data can greatly benefit from flexible analytic approaches. In particular, the advent of data-driven approaches to identify whole-brain time-varying connectivity and activity has revealed a number of interesting relevant variation in the data which, when ignored, can provide misleading information. In this lecture, I will provide a comparative introduction of a range …
Motor Imagery BCI for Cognitive Profiling in Disorders of Consciousness and Prospects for Direct Speech
This webinar will cover two current hot topics in EEG-based brain-computer interface research and research ongoing at the Intelligent Systems Research Centre. Part 1 will focus on assessment of patients with prolonged disorder of consciousness (PDoC). Part 2 will focus on direct speech BCIs.
Althea Stillman, Ph.D., Associate Director, Life Sciences, IP Group Inc.
In this interview, Althea Stillman discusses how she assess possible investments and when entrepreneurs should start a dialogue with investors. She offers some excellent advices for aspiring entrepreneurs to get out of their comfort zone.
Seeing the Sound: Optical Neural Interfaces for In Vivo Neuromodulation
Optogenetics has transformed experimental neuroscience by manipulating the activity of specific cell types with light, enabling in vivo neuromodulation with millisecond temporal resolution. Visible light with wavelengths between 430 nm and 640 nm is used for optogenetics, limiting penetration depth in vivo and resulting in an invasive fiber-tethered interface that damages the endogenous neural tissue and constrains the animal’s free …
Dan Rizzuto, Ph.D., CEO, Nia Therapeutics
As CEO, Dan Rizzuto gives firsthand account of how he started a new company from a research university. He shared lessons learned through this process, including being comfortable with uncertainties, being persistent, and remaining committed to the mission. Dan explains the importance of engaging with all stakeholders including IP, regulatory, clinical, products and reimbursements.
Kyle Siegel, J.D., Chief Patent Counsel and Senior VP of Life Sciences, Skysong Innovations
As a leader in executing patenting and licensing strategies, Kyle Siegel discusses how his team works with principal investigators to translate technologies from the lab to patient care. Kyle stresses the importance for entrepreneurs to be true to themselves and to build a team around them to be successful.
Emily Caporello, Ph.D., Scientific Program Manager, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Stay tuned for an insightful discussion with Emily Caporello regarding her passion in supporting small businesses and NIH in the translation process to get basic research out of the lab and into the market. She shares her excitement for neurotechnology that is coming to fruition and advices for women in the science and engineering field.
Jamie Tyler, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering, Arizona State University
Besides being an associate professor, Jamie Tyler has co-founded several companies. In this interview, Jamie shares personal experiences regarding tough lessons learned in his entrepreneurial ventures. He sheds light on how he balances his business and academic duties, and how he sees the integration of neurotechnology in main stream society in the near future.
Amy Kruse, Ph.D., Partner and Principal Biologist, Prime Movers Lab (previously with Platypus Institute)
Amy Kruse shares her vision of bringing applied neuroscience and neurotechnology to help improve the human experience with a multi-disciplinary team and partnerships. She embraces her journey as an entrepreneur navigating through ethical questions, engaging with multi-disciplinary teams and partners, and being innovative continually.
Eric Van Gieson, Ph.D., Biological Technologies Offices, DARPA
Eric Van Gieson provides valuable insights on his experiences working for a start-up and for the government. He brings a new perspective from the molecular discipline into the neurotech community. As a Program Manager for DARPA, Eric explains how DARPA helps shape the technology space, supports entrepreneurship, and works to ensure its investment has longevity.